Author Archives: Eli James - Page 299
Global Pedophilia/Sex Slave Mafia Exposed
MSM is trying to poo-poo the Pizzagate story, because Hillary Clinton is involved, but as…
Barak Obama: Liar, Fraud, Terrorist
Had enough of Obama yet? Hillary…
Liberal Hypocrisy and Stupidity Exposed
Excellent video demonstrating the hypocrisy and stupidity of liberals with college degrees. Universities,…
How the Jews Created World War II
The True story of World War Two. Jewish treachery against Germany and Hitler's attempts to…
Pastor Eli James Explains Why the Judeo Churches Are Losing Hearts and Minds
Listen, learn and weep: Christian Identity is the only accurate biblical faith. We base…
Huma Abedin and the Global Jewslim Brotherhood
Chaim Weizman, head of the world Zionist organization (left) and Prince Faisal (Crypto-Jew), 1918 …
George Soros, Billionaire Communist Jew, Says He Is a “God”
The blood of the fallen angels runs in the veins of Jews like Soros and…