Tag archives for Communism - Page 3
Communism Is Jewish
More and more information about the Talmudic nature of communism is coming out. Solzhenitsin's…
AOC under the Microscope: ‘Gaslighting’ Is the New Term for “Dissimulation’
Benjamin Disraeli, the architect of Rothschild's dissimulation and nihilism AOC's Green NEW DEAL is nothing…
Dear Liberal: You ARE What You HATE
Clara Frasier: Femmunist (synthesizer of communism and feminism) Any college course that has the word…
Who Is Jordan Peterson?
Anti-Communist or Anti-Aryan? More: All the world's a stage; and most public figures are…
Judeo-Communism Explained
A film by Dennis Wise: Website:
The Frankfurt School: Jewish Perversion, Subversion and Genocide of the White Race
The Jews of the Frankfurt School The Frankfurt School of Jewish "sociologists" of communism and…
How Socialism (the Welfare State) Destroys Prosperity and Morality
Socialism and communism are nothing more than sophisticated ways by which dictatorial government exploits…