Archives for LATEST - Page 124
Waco Massacre Orchestrated by ADL and Mossad
Today's synagogue of Satan is ZOG (the Zionist Occupation Government) The following information is more…
Women Speaking Out Against Totalitarian Correctness
Janice Fiamengo exposes the injustice of the Left's "culture of intimidation" and the fake…
The Global Swamp Is Run by Jews
Judaism is the true source of all of the degeneracy and subversion of Christian civilization.…
Latest Research Proves the Israelite Origin of the European (Caucasian) Nations
Migration Map of the Twelve Tribes We in Identity have long been teaching that the…
The Indo-Aryan Languages Are All Derived from Hebrew
Close-up of the Black Obelisk showing King Omri paying obeisance to Shalmaneser of Assyria. The…
Gloria Steinem Is a CIA Asset: The Feminist/Judeo-Capitalist Conspiracy
Gloria Steinem has been working for the Jew-controlled CIA. And feminists actually believe she is…
The Nationalization of Women in the USSR: A Communist Rape Orgy
Alexandra Kollontai, the communinst who invented "International Women's Day" This scandal has been totally…