ACH (2159) Mallificus Scott - The Limeys #121 - Why You Might Want To Delete Your Facebook Account…

In today’s show originally broadcast on May 22 2023, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “Why You Might Want To Delete Your Facebook Account…”

We discussed: the “All In The Family” clip that we played during the show intro segment; the quality of tradespeople today; today’s film review “Kill The Irishman” that was released in 2011; Monday’s Prayer On The Air; the Your Daily Shakespeare’s quote of the week “Those were my salad days when I was green in judgment,”; Monty Python’s “Sam Peckinpah’s Salad Days” sketch; this week’s “If My Democratic Right To Free Speech Did Not Prohibit Me From Doing So I Would” segment; how we have no new figures since December 1 2022, of the 2,362 deaths and 474,018 people injured after taking the vaccines, from the UK Government website that used to update these; Mallificus’ news on “The Great Distraction”; why there are plans afoot for the desecration the grave of Commander Guy Gibson’s dog; the recent jailing of Sven Longshanks; the British Government’s policy of inclusivity for some but not for all; how Facebook abuses their users; The Limeys Tard Of The Week; Mallificus’ News Round-up Of The Week; the woman who ate part of her own knee in a spaghetti bolognaise; and many other topics.

You Can Email Jimmie Moglia At:


Click Here For The Facebook Video Of The “All In The Family” Clip We Played In The Show Intro Segment

Click Here For Jimmie’s “Your Daily Shakespeare” Website

Click Here For The YouTube Video Of Monty Python’s “Sam Peckinpah’s Salad Days” That We Referenced On The Show

Click Here For The Daily Mail Article “Grave Of Dambusters Hero’s Dog Could Be Moved From RAF Scampton Amid Plans To House Migrants At The Site”

Click Here For The Daily Mail Article “White Supremacist And Self-Proclaimed Hitler Supporter Is Jailed For Two-And-A-Half Years For Stirring Up Racial Hatred On His Podcast Station Called Radio Aryan”

Click Here For The BBC Article “Pembrokeshire: James Allchurch Jailed For Racist Podcasts”

Click Here For The Heritage And Destiny Article That Provides Details Of How You Can Contact And Support Sven Longshanks

Click Here For The Jewish News Article “Police Handed Shocking Dossier Of Antisemitic Abuse From British Extremists”

Click Here For The Twitter Video “Here Is The Former President Of The Board Of Deputies Publicly Calling For People To “Sacrifice” Jeremy Corbyn “For The Trouble That He Has Caused””

Click Here For This Week’s Edition Of “The Latest Jewish News”

Click Here For The Daily Mail Article “What Does Human Meat Taste Like? Scientists Reveal The Unique Flavour Of Our FLESH – As An Influencer Admits To Eating Part Of Her Own Knee In A Spaghetti Bolognese”


Click Here For The British Government’s Page “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Adverse Reactions” THAT USED TO INCLUDE Five Analysis Prints (Pfizer; AstraZeneca; Moderna; Novavax; And Brand Unspecified) Which Claimed An Aggregate Total That 2,362 People Had Died And 474,018 People Had Been Injured After Taking The Vaccine, Based Upon MHRA (The UK’s Medicines And Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency) Data, Last Released By The British Government In These Five Analysis Prints On December 1 2022

Click Here For The Daily Mail Article “EXCLUSIVE: Revealed, Just SEVENTY-FIVE Brits Have Been Killed By Covid Vaccines As Experts Hail Data As Proof Jabs Are Incredibly Safe And NOT Behind Surging Excess Deaths.” As This Article Cites MHRA Data Referenced In The British Government’s Page Above, We At The Limeys Are Delighted That 2,287 People In The UK Have Been Brought Back From The Dead, And We Hope On That Basis The 474,018 People Who Reported Having Been Injured After Taking The Vaccine, Are Healed By This Same Unknown British Entity That Can Somehow Bring Over 2,000 People Back From The Dead!

Click Here For Proof That The British Government Expected A HIGH VOLUME OF ADVERSE REACTIONS TO THE COVID-19 VACCINE. Scroll Down To Point II.1.4 On This European Union Website

Click Here For The British Government’s Page “Vaccine Damage Payment”

Click Here For The Office Of National Statistics Report Showing That 6,183 People Have Died Of Covid Only In The UK