Tag archives for white genocide - Page 9
Khalid Muhammed: “The God Damn White Man”
How can the races mix when this type of black racism abounds? Still…
Germany Is Slowly Waking UP
16-year-old German girl understands that Rapefugees are evil She asks: "Why is the German…
Britain Is Committing Racial Suicide as a Radical, Marxist Muslim Has Been Elected Mayor
Time to stop the Rape of Europe by Muslims and Jews! Wake up,…
Whites In France Under Assault
The Battle of Armageddon has begun, but only those in Christian Identity know it. WE…
Great Whore of Germany
Angela Merkel's planned destruction of Germany. Wachet auf, Deutschland!!
Absolute Failure of Democratic Party Policies
Why are cities that have Democratic leadership always in a perpetual state of decline?…
The Dresden Atrocity
The British brutally murdered defenseless civilians and turned Dresden into rubble "to teach the Germans…