Tag archives for New World Order
LA Fires and Globalism
Who do you think owns Elon Musk? George Bush on the Jew World Order, to…
Follow the Pied Piper of the New World Order
You should know this by now, but here is how they do it: The…
YCP – Khazarian/Nephilim Agenda
Also: Updates on Anne Heche and R-IN Congresswoman Jackie Walorsky both died in car accidents. …
Good Putin, Bad Putin, or Zionist Puppet?
The Tragedy in Ukraine has been orchestrated for quite some time. Here are two…
Wars and Rumors of Wars
Putin Versus the Zionist World Order Press Conference on Biden Corruption in Ukraine …
YCP – Cashless Society and the Biodollar, Part 2
Pastor Eli continues his explanation of how the Rothschilds worked towards total control of global…