Tag archives for Hidden History - Page 8
Murder By Consent
Jewish Harlotwood uses shiksas to entice our race into ritual race-mixing and sexual perversion;…
LBJ Murdered JFK
Lyndon Baines Johnson was a career Zionist. He murdered JFK for the Zionists because JFK…
William Guy Carr on the Jewish Conspiracy Against Civlization
William Guy Carr lectures on his Illuminati research. Commander Carr was a specialist in…
The Sacred Names: Yahweh and Yahshua
Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a lot of disinformation being put out by ignorant people,…
Jesus Was NOT a Jew
Pastor Eli James explains why Jesus was not a Jew. He was a Judahite of…
Fred Leuchter With Jim Rizoli 2015
After 20 years Fred Leuchter tells his story his way Interview with Jim Rizoli September…
German Reaction to Unjust Versailles Treaty Entirely Justified
Germany's Jews betrayed Germany in favor of the Balfour Declaration. No European nation…