Archives for PolyTicks - Page 32
India Goes Cashless: Banksters Confiscate Cash and Gold
India's Prime Minister Mohdi declares cashless society, chaos erupts in India. Line up to…
Podestaphilia: The Global Pedosexual Cover-Up Exploded
Pizzagate is just the DC slice of the global pizza. The RCC, Freemasons, Jesuits and…
Hillary Clinton: Terminal Parkinson’s and Terminal Communist
Hillary is sick in mind and body. It is clear that Hillary Clinton's physical health…
Podestaphilia: The Wacky, Wicked World of the DNC
Homosexuals, lesbians, abortionists, communists, libtards, blackmailers, assassins, globalists, banksters and other assorted totalitarians running…
Sex Trafficking Is a Global Business
ISIS, IsraHELL and Las Damascus. I guess Islam does not protect women from this sort…
The Murder of Judge Antonin Scalia and Pizzagate
Hold on to your seats, truthers, the times they are a-changing!! Pizzagate is going…
Cities Run By Democrats and Liberals Are the Most Violent
"Dr. Common Sense, a Black man, tells it like it is. Liberalism is Orwellian doublespeak.…