Archives for PolyTicks - Page 24
Creepy Joe Biden
Joe Biden's touchy-feely, sniffly, creepy groping: What a maroon! Pastor Eli and…
Swamp Press Not Interested in Muslim Attacks on French Churches
Update on the Notre Dame roof video of someone lighting a spark in two…
Assange/Wikileaks Update
Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks Top 10 leaks from Wikileaks: More: Please support…
Juicy Smellit Is Not Off the Hook Yet!
Kim Foxx and Jussie Smollet Kim Foxx caves to pressure from the Obamas and releases…
EFR Reporting on NZ Shooting Confirmed
Soros and Obama pulled strings to get Juicy Smellit of the hook - for the…
Mueller Report Is a Big Fat Dud…Paid for by Hillary Clinton
WE TOLD YOU SO!!! As we have been telling you at EFR for the last…
Pastor Eli Audiobook Now Available / Update on Hilary and Huma
Hilary is still losing, and the Democrats will lose with her. Pastor Eli James reads…