Archives for LATEST - Page 161
Sex Slavery and Pedophilia in the Jewish Community/IsraHELL
This videos shows that sex trafficking is prevalent in the Jewish community. The fact is…
Kosher Press Goes Berserk Over Pizzagate
Pizzagate gate is not going away, despite mass media denials. Remember that the Jewish…
Sex Trafficking Is a Global Business
ISIS, IsraHELL and Las Damascus. I guess Islam does not protect women from this sort…
The Murder of Judge Antonin Scalia and Pizzagate
Hold on to your seats, truthers, the times they are a-changing!! Pizzagate is going…
Cities Run By Democrats and Liberals Are the Most Violent
"Dr. Common Sense, a Black man, tells it like it is. Liberalism is Orwellian doublespeak.…
City of Chicago Gun Violence
Consider this a maxim: "Gun-Free Zones" are the most violent places on earth. …
The Common Man’s Music
A common fallacy is that classical music is too good for disadvantaged ethnic-Europeans. The misunderstanding…