Archives for LATEST - Page 144
The Third Word War
The Third Word War We are all familiar with the term, ‘the pen is mightier…
Jewish Censorship Again
Oh, for a world without Jewish censorship! The best satire is TRUE SATIRE! …
Impending False Flag in Syria
Impending False Flag in Syria Russia, The People’s Republic of China, Iran and Syria today…
Ethnic-European Survival Kit
Ethnic-European Survival Kit As the tide turns against race-toxic liberalism people are drawn into struggle…
Grotesque Racism
Grotesque Racism The story goes that it is bizarre to single out Jews on the…
All News is Fake News
All News is Fake News The freedom of the press mantra is fake news because…
What the Jews Did to Germany: The Stab in the Back
How the jooz stabbed Germany in the back with the Balfour Declaration and the…