Archives for LATEST - Page 108
America on the Verge of Slavery Again
The world is a toy for the jooz to play with. Paul Harvey explains how…
Communism Is Jewish
More and more information about the Talmudic nature of communism is coming out. Solzhenitsin's…
The Great Replacement Must Be Censored
False flags are contrived global events staged to blame patriots and gun owners. The Rothschild…
Mueller Report Is a Big Fat Dud…Paid for by Hillary Clinton
WE TOLD YOU SO!!! As we have been telling you at EFR for the last…
Christian Separatism Versus Jewish Parasitism
Gertjan, Alfred and reporters It is important to know that the Jewish people are…
Yahweh is the God of Israel, not of the Canaanites
The Bible is true and every joo a liar. Pastors Steve and Eli refute the…
Fake Hate Crimes Blamed on Whitey
Fakers who make up hate crimes and blame them on Whites Jewish Media behind fake…