Archives for Edomites - Page 7
Narcostate Elects First Jewish Female President
In their relentless globalist power grabs, the jooz have succeeded in installing yet another…
LXX Versus MT Dating of the Hebrew Patriarchs
Here at EFR we have been arguing strongly that the Septuagint translation of the…
The Anti-Gun Lobby and Insanity
The State of Maine has gone insane The real problem in America is…
Black (Ahem..Block) Party Turns into Mass Shooting n Memphis
Braden is afraid to state the obvious: this was a Negro riot. Unstated…
Dr. Boz Is Confronted with the Reality of Covid Fakitude
Dr. Boz finds out that Pfizer and company are evil charlatans. First of two…
Oct 7, 2023 Was a Jewish Lightning Attack
The Jews staged the Oct 7 attack in order to provide a pretext for…