Archives for Edomites - Page 60
U. of Florida Frat Accused of Spitting on Veterans, Peeing on American Flag
Members of the University of Florida chapter of the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity are under…
Bobby Fischer On The Jews
#038;feature=player_detailpage Bobby Fischer On The Jews
Stalin’s Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR
“When the Jews achieved power in Russia, it was as a hostile elite with a…
Deep in the Heart of Cotton
Republican hopeful recommends bombing Iran, says it would only take a few days Easter Sunday's…
Starbucks, well yes it . . . does support Israel
Howard D. Schultz (born July 19, 1953) is an American businessman. He is best known…
The Synagogue of Satan
A C Hitchcock's research on the behind-the-scenes power of organized Jewry. This is NOT conspiracy…
Holocaust Denial by the Hoaxers Themselves
Original Article HERE . JEWISH HOLOCAUST "SCHOLAR" DEBUNKS HIMSELF By Mike King The sport of…