Author Archives: Eli James - Page 324
Roger Stone Says LBJ Murdered JFK
Folks, Lyndon Baines Johnson was a Zionist/Communist mafioso working the Israeli Lobby. A very revealing…
Executive Order 11110
JFK's Executive Order was an attack on the Federal Reserve Bank. JFK could not be…
LBJ Murdered JFK
Lyndon Baines Johnson was a career Zionist. He murdered JFK for the Zionists because JFK…
William Guy Carr on the Jewish Conspiracy Against Civlization
William Guy Carr lectures on his Illuminati research. Commander Carr was a specialist in…
Myron Fagan on the Illuminati
Myron Fagan, a Jewish Hollywood producer, turned against his masters and produced this masterpiece…
Israeli TV Mocks Yahshua as a Monkey
Christian, you need to know that the Jews were never Israelites, Jesus was never…
Eustace Mullins on the Jewish Wars of Extermination
Ezra Pound as a young man Eustace Mullins explains how organized Jewry stages…