Author Archives: Eli James - Page 311
Amerigeddon: Everything about the coming collapse except Jewish responsibility
Whistleblower blows the whistle on the New World Order, but no whistleblowing about the Jewish…
The Meaning of Magna Carta
Excellent presentation on the significance of Magna Carta by Daniel Hannan, except for the "credal"…
Islam on Parade: Paris Burns
This is what happens when you invite Muslims into your country and give them…
Germany Is Slowly Waking UP
16-year-old German girl understands that Rapefugees are evil She asks: "Why is the German…
Britain Is Committing Racial Suicide as a Radical, Marxist Muslim Has Been Elected Mayor
Time to stop the Rape of Europe by Muslims and Jews! Wake up,…
Vaccines and Autism: Medical Malpractice at its Worst
Autism is caused by vaccinations. No doubt about it. The federal government, in collusion…
Psychiatry and Pharmakeia: Marriage Made in Hell
Making a Killing: How the Quackery of psychiatry married the quackery of pharmaceuticals to…