Author Archives: Eli James - Page 197
Kyle Rittenhouse and the Three Shots Heard ‘Round the World
How Kyle Rittenhouse defended himself against three leftist thugs: (Cut and paste into your…
Hoax of the Twentieth Century, Chapter 5, Part 1
Pastor Eli reads the chapter about the Hungarian Jews. Athur Butz demolishes the Auschwitz hoax.
C-O-V-I-D-1-9 (Pastor Eli’s Latest Parody Song)
Set to the music of 867-5309, Enjoy! The lyrics: COVID-19 (Satan…
COVID Genome Matches Human DNA
The so-called Covid virus is actually part of the human genome. This hoax is…
YCP – Jesus Come Back and Save Us, Part 1
Lasha Darkmoon asserts that White civilization cannot be saved without a resurgent pro-White form of…