divine-truth-june-2016FREE DOWNLOAD – Here is the latest issue of The Divine Truth newsletter in pdf format. Click the link below to get your copy now.

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The Divine Truth 4 : May-June 2016 Issue
The Divine Truth 4 : May-June 2016 Issue
  • Pg   4Psych My Caucus – Billy Roper
  • Pg   6 – Letter from Supporters
  • Pg   7From the Minister of Security
  • Pg   8The Term “Jew” – Kevin Conway
  • Pg   9Minister of Communications – Charlie Alsabrook
  • Pg 10Here’s Your Awardackle The Wilderness – Billy Roper
  • Pg 11To Lone wolf or Not to Lone wolf that is the Question – Pastor Paul R. Mullet
  • Pg 13Choices – Sara from WAU