Celtic Croos

The first above-ground Christian church was built at Glastonbury in 37 AD by Joseph of Arimathea.  The Celtic Church was the first form of Christianity in Britain and Ireland.  This documentary explains how Saints Patrick, Columba and Aidan gradually eliminated slavery while competing against the Roman Catholic Church.  Part 2 also explains how the Jutes (of the tribe of Phares-Judah), the Frisians (Issachar), and the Angles (Ephraim) and Saxons (Manasseh) ultimately merged with the original Celts of Dan and Zarah-Judah).  (‘Angle,” from which England gets its name, also means “bull,” from which the term John Bull comes.  The symbol of Ephraim is the bull.)

There were three kings of the Dedannans (“tuatha de Danaan,” tribe of Dan) reigning in Ireland at the coming of the Milesians , named MacColl, MacKecht and MacGrena. The wife of the first was Eire, and from her the name of the country was derived. Curiously, Ireland in ancient Erse poetry was often called “Fodla” or “Bauba,” and these were the wives of the other two kings in the legend.



“Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to do the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free and that you break every yoke?” – Isa. 58:6.  The Christian religion, except for Roman Catholicism, has always set slaves free.   No other religion can make this claim.

The Celts Are Israelites Under Another Name.  ‘Kelt’ is also the name of the stone circumcision knife that was used by the Israelites.

The Celts are Israelites Under Another Name.

 The word Celt is the Anglicised form of the Greek word Keltoi, which means “the people who are different.*” In Scripture, all nations, except the Twelve Tribes of Israel, are referred to as Gentiles (Foreigners), so the only people who are different are Israel. The word Celt is therefore another word for Israelite. The Celts are part of the Ten “lost” Tribes of Israel; as are the Tuatha de Danaan and Milesians. The Irish people are a mixture of Celts; Danaans; Milesians; Judah/Zarahites (of the “Red Hand” – Genesis 38:28-30§); (Dan-ish) Vikings and Norsemen and are all racially cousins.
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