Time To Resist
. . . by Ellie Katsnelson
In this eloquent attack against organized Jewry and the moral poisons they dispense in the form of pornography and perverted sex, renegade Rothschild Ellie Katsnelson tells us it is time to make a stand and resist — for it is now either resistance or death.

I would like to begin with a brief disclaimer. The views expressed in this admittedly somewhat “anti-Semitic” article are the views of the author and the author alone and they do not necessarily reflect my own views or the views of anyone else associated with this website.
Having said that, I must nevertheless add that we would not be publishing this article in the first place if we did not broadly empathize with the author and recognize her full rights to free speech on this website.
A few words now about the mysterious author . . . a stunning blonde, I am told, bearing a striking resemblance to the actress Claudia Schiffer.
Initially, we believed that Ellie Katsnelson (a pen name for Eleanor Kleist) was a literary hoaxer. She told us she was a fabulously rich member of the Rothschild dynasty who had quarreled with her family, and, as a result, had developed an intense hatred for elite organized Jewry.
She was now intent on exposing the sinister agenda of “the Jews”, having an intimate personal knowledge of their dark and secret machinations. We were naturally skeptical of these claims. It was as if someone had suddenly presented us with a new version of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
We were soon to learn from an independent source, and from further detailed investigations of our own, that we had misjudged Ms Katsnelson. There appears to be a sound basis for her claims.
It would seem that she was not a member of the Rothschild family in the accepted sense. She was the result of an illicit sexual liaison between an unspecified member of the Rothschild family and her aristocratic German mother. In short, she was an illegitimate child who barely knew her Rothschild father, a man she grew up to dislike and regard as a disagreeable stranger. Her fabulous wealth came entirely from her aristocratic German mother, a woman she worshiped and who was to be snatched from her in a tragic skiing accident in the Alps in 1989. Ellie was 19 years old at that time. Her mother’s death was to have a traumatic effect on her.
I have been able to piece together only a part of this complex jigsaw puzzle. What is it that makes Ellie the person she is: an illegitimate daughter of the Rothschild family with an implacable hatred of the Jews? It is this. Ellie strongly believes that the autopsy of her mothers’s death—in a “skiing accident”—was fixed. An initial investigation, later quashed or covered up, had revealed that her mother had been strangled. Her neck had been deliberately, not accidentally broken.
Who was her mother’s killer? Was he a hired assassin? And if so, hired by whom? I am not in a position to divulge this information, and I am not sure that Ellie would like me to do so. There are certain legal restrictions.
It all reads like a thriller—the perfect plot for a blockbuster Hollywood movie. The average reader is bound to be skeptical. As a character in the final line of Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler exclaims incredulously, “Such things just don’t happen!”
I have decided to give Ellie the benefit of the doubt. I have no reason to disbelieve her. After all, isn’t life supposed to be stranger than fiction?
A more detailed biography of this extraordinary woman, written in her own words, appears at the end of this article. Read it, dear reader, and make up your own mind.
Here now is Ellie’s new “anti-Semitic” essay, the third we have published so far, the other two being The Death Camps to Come and The Jews and their Ways.
No question is oftener asked, and no observation is more frequently made, than the manner, the method and the means wherewith the Jews arrive at power.
And yet, a detached and honest analysis of this question invariably leads one to conclude that real power actually rests with the people, and all that the Jews have to do to arrive at and to hold that power is simply first to seize it, by whatever means possible, and then to re-direct it to whatever aims seem desirable.
In so far as servitude is concerned, there is no man on earth who has gone through life and who has not at least once marveled at the stoutness and liberty of the Romans, and the faith and contentedness of the Byzantines; and yet, so wretched was Rome in the time of Nero, and so depraved was Byzantium in the time of Theodora, that no man on earth today, knowing what he does, would ever claim that those peoples did not deserve their tyrants, particularly since knowing that it was in their power to do something about their unhappy state and yet choosing to do nothing, there is nothing that could stop those infernal creatures from seizing and re-directing that power, and, by extension, prevent them also from setting the world ablaze, as we in our own days very clearly see the Jews doing.
Of slaves, such as the good Americans have now become of the Jews, it is reasonably said by Aristotle that they are more wretched than the despots are hateful, especially since the enslavement that has subtly and incrementally taken place in the United States of America is actually voluntary and not involuntary, and voluntary slavery, of all types of slaveries, is the worst; for, having come about by our own volition, means that we could have done something about it, but, electing to do nothing and satisfy ourselves now with this excuse, now with that explanation, we have actually chosen to accept just such a voluntary servitude, and thus, in effect, hourly bear witness to that which every human being concerned for his own welfare would strive hardest to prevent: his own destruction.
‘I see no good in having a lord, let me alone be the master, me alone be the king.’
Listening to the eternal Homer speak, one is quickly constrained from attempting to refute this heartfelt wish, since we know only too well that though Americans, too, may see no good in having a lord reigning over them, in wanting alone to be their own masters and their own kings, they have in fact just such a lord and just such a king — and the name of their lord and master and king is actually the Jewish race as a whole.
One of the commonest duties of every decent citizen, whatever be his relationship between him and his country, is to be grateful for the freedom he has inherited, to be vigilant in the maintaining of it, and quickly and decisively to destroy anything and anyone who so much as thinks of endangering that freedom which he so dearly enjoys.
And yet, what a strange, strange spectacle does the American race, and, by extension, the white race itself, present to the world!
What examples shall we cite to prove that the United States of America is but a cadaverous entity? Whose deeds shall we invoke, whether Judaic or gentile, to illustrate that America is no longer the free and democratic country it once was? And what other proofs do we need to bring forward to demonstrate a shocking truth that few in the mainstream dare to acknowledge: that just as it was the Jews yesterday who brought down Germany, so it is the Jews who today are bringing down America.
Let us see, though the place where we shall begin our inquiry may come as a surprise to some, since nature has not spread equally her invaluable gift of common sense to all humanity, and accidental knowledge, such as is gained by hearsay, is but poor recompense for good common sense. A pity, I say.
Because the symptoms of a man’s gravest maladies almost always first appear in his moral sphere, I think it were best if we began our analysis of the death of the American man in that very sphere, for it being the place, as it were, where the real mischiefs always begin, one inevitably must begin there first, and slowly and gradually work one’s way up, until one reaches those limits beyond which one simply cannot go.
”Place the lure of the flesh before a man,”the evil Jews say, ” and just sit back and let nature do the rest.”
A man naturally, immediately and for ever severs his own veins the moment he begins to find pleasure in that Judaic filth that we call Pornography, that very moral disease and that very lure of the flesh which the sons and daughters of the Devil have for so long now been dangling before the Americans.
It is difficult to write about something as unpleasant as this without at least once uttering an imprecation or an invective, but as a good friend of mine, who is a scholar abroad, recently said to me, ”I mean, what more do they” (the Anglo-Saxons) ”want? Does not the world today screw in their language?”
What precisely did he mean, I asked? And as the otherwise ordinary conversation turned a corner and took on a slightly steeper and more psychological and philosophical bent, the good old friend began to expand, like all thinkers tend to do, and reminded me that, because everything has its origin in the mind, if a man wished to bring about his own subjection, the last thing he would want to do is to open wide the dangerous valve of bodily pleasure, since by doing so, said he, he would not only be unable to close it back again, but he would, more than that, be his own witness of his own downfall and servitude.
But why exactly “Judaic”, I asked him impatiently. “You are not telling me that the Jews have actually embedded those images in our brain, are you?”
“No,” he said, ”but history and experience have unfailingly shown that, whenever the Jews slate a country for destruction, pornography is the very, very first weapon they use against that doomed race, since pornography acts not only as a softener and decayer of the will, but also as its own natural, debilitating and enervating agent.”
I urged him to fully explain his argument to me and to the end, and for the next forty-five minutes he proceeded to inform me of the most monstrous and demonic absurdities which the Jews had once visited upon Weimar Germany.
”You know,” he said, ”Hotel Adlon in Berlin was once such a fine hotel, that people’s eyes would sparkle if they knew they were soon going to spend a night there. To achieve what they had long planned, the Jews, having long before softened the minds of the good Germans with lewd and awful pictures of nudity, it so came to pass that the Germans,” — yes, you heard correctly, the Germans — ‘‘the impoverished Germans, used to actually bring their naked little children right outside the doors of that plush hotel, just so that the well-clothed Jews could come out and inspect them, give some cheap money to their famished parents, and take their little offspring up into their dark rooms above.”
At the time of his recounting this, I simply could not but express my utter disbelief at his words, though I tried hard not to offend him, since his whole speech reeked of some terrible, terrible joke, and I am not one who is easily taken in. But no, he said, it was not a joke, and promising to give me hard proof of his dark claim, we continued talking about other ways and methods wherewith the Jews ruin countries and impoverish nations.
Lo and behold, when soon after I returned home, I found in my mailbox a large yellow envelope, containing just what I had been promised to be sent by the friend, and what I saw simply defied belief.
Indeed, there they were, in photographs, black and white, stark naked, German children, as young as five, the natural strength and valour of their German parents having been completely extinguished, standing timidly in front of a small group of five well-clothed adult Jews, inspecting carefully their innocent genitals, just as a cattle buyer would inspect the testicles of a bull at a cattle auction before deciding if the beast would make a good match for his cow on heat back in the farm.

Germany, under Jewish dominance after WW1, became a moral sewer
where even children were on sale to rich Jews.
“10-year-old children turned tricks in the railway stations. A group of 14-year-old Russian girls, refugees from the Red Terror in Stalin’s Communist slaughter house, managed to make a lucrative living in Berlin as dominatrices. Little girls were freely available for sex not only in child brothels and pharmacies but could be ordered by telephone and delivered to clients by taxi, like takeaway meals.” — Lasha Darkmoon, The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany
Poor wretched people! thought I. But no, I quickly changed my mind and said, stupid, utterly stupid people! Where were their senses? Where their memory? How could such a fine race as the Germans have forgotten the true diabolic nature of the Jews?
Why would they not remember that if one thing is yielded to that evil race, quickly will they demand another, and yet another, and yet another, and yet another, until their demands, no longer capable of being met, they will openly and unashamedly demand their appeasement by being presented LITERALLY with the flesh of their children, as young as five, and this without any violence or threats on their part too!
Outright filth, outright Judaic filth, has always been the chief weapon the Jews have used against other races. If we wish to confirm this claim for ourselves, simply let us take a look at how badly they have ravaged and mauled the American race! See what unspeakable things they make young American sons and daughters do! and we shall see that, though such depravities are currently confined to the safety of some wretched film studio, or the soulless basement of some wretched home, it is only a matter of time before such depravities appear openly on the streets of America, just as once they appeared openly on the beautiful and tree-lined boulevards of Berlin, and horrify any and all who witness such disgusting spectacles.
With all the genuine and profound respect that I have for the American people, it must be remembered that the German race, my race, is racially much more unified than the American race is, and so it stands to reason that if it could happen to the Germans, it most certainly can and will happen to the Americans.
This is a grave truth, and if you miss it, you may never recover.
The depraved, monstrous, diabolic Jew today stands like a great Colossus in your lands, O unhappy, good, American people! He indulges his stark demonic delight by purveying the bodies of your race, of your sons, of your daughters, of your friends and of your cousins.
The Jew is not a beast that easily goes away and of its own volition. His is a hard will, a hard, hard will, a will in fact so hard and unbreakable, that soon you will reach that point in your existence in which all the guns of America combined will not be able not only to deliver you of them, but even to dislodge them one little bit.
And this is simply so because millions of Americans have willingly made themselves, in this way or that, victims to their filthy ideas, to their awful wares, to their hideous productions, wares and ideas and productions which are absolutely nothing but means wherewith the sons and daughters of the Devil seek to wreak demonic vengeance on your bodies, on your minds, on your hearts and on your souls.
Admit it. Be at least half manly: the Jew is. He simply is. And you yourselves are hourly ceasing to be.
What indignities does not the Jew daily heap upon you! How easily, quickly and mercilessly he breaks you to pieces!

The stereotypical Jew
corrupting children with candy.
“What indignities does not the Jew daily heap upon you!
How easily, quickly and mercilessly he breaks you to pieces!”
You know, so as to fortify my arguments before presenting them here to you this evening, and thus avoid any declamatory charges of injustice and wanton Jew-hatred, recently and willingly so I might add, though not without much pain and even more embarrassment, I brought some heavy, heavy misfortune upon myself, and briefly ventured into that very, very dark world that is Jewish pornography, the very world which here I so passionately censure and abhor.
And, once there, what did I see?
I saw something which no words in any language can describe! I saw one fully grown-up American man MILKING openly another fully grown-up American woman, and that in the full and unobstructed view of rather many unhappy American shoppers in some unhappy American shopping mall!
And yes, the whole wretched diabolic Jewish spectacle was conducted in the language of Shakespeare, the gorgeously beautiful English, the language of Poets, and Thinkers, and Philosophers and Writers!
One human being milking another human being!
And as awful injury upon awful injury was being heaped upon me by my own very good self, I asked myself this most pertinent question: this milking business, do cows do this? No, better still: can cows actually do this, milk one another, that is? No, of course they cannot, and even if they could, I am certain they would not exhibit such demonic pleasure as those two infernal white, Anglo-Saxon, thoroughly Jewified Americans did.
Every single movement they made in that horrible video showed unmistakable signs of the vehemence of their inner death! Every devilish moan and groan bore openly the hallmarks of soul injury! And whatever words they uttered from their toothless and withered mouths were actually not words at all, but clear and unmistakable evidence of psychological and biological atavism, of deep, deep character and personality regression, of spiritual, corporeal and mental degeneration so profound and so incapable of ever being improved, that even the almighty God, were he to descend to earth and attempt a cure, would instantaneously be repelled at the sight of the creatures he had helped to form.
And the next few questions I asked myself before moving my eyes away from this scene most heavy, were these: those two Americans, are they actually human? I mean, their action, is it actually meant to please? And if it did mean to please, whom would it please: a man? a woman? both men and women? in what special, arcane, recondite way would it please them?
Unanswered questions!
But, alas, as the encroaching black night slowly began to erase the heavy memory of that soul-destroying unhappy evening, the answers came to me, one by one, involuntarily and without any prompting on my part, as profound answers often come, and I realized that what I had actually witnessed earlier was not at all some specific American carnal engagement, but rather a fragment of the Jewish psyche, an infernal fragment which rages against its own self, hoisted and embedded on delicate and vulnerable but utterly, utterly dumb minds of two little Americans, a fragment which, moreover, being Judaic and thus indelible in nature, simply took hold of those two little American monsters, convinced them of the perfect rightness and inviolability of their action, and, despite the maturity of their years and even graver seriousness of their countenance, caused them to produce such visual, moral and spiritual abominations . . . abominations so unbelievably profound, that I felt that what I had actually witnessed was nothing other than visual proof of a fallen man.
Fallen man! What a heavy word! ”Man shall fall,” Jews say secretly to each other, ”he shall not so much break as he shall fall.” Well, well, well, how the mighty are falling, indeed, how they are!
No, friends, the Jews have sown their crop. They have fertilized and watered and ploughed their American soil, and all that remains for them to accomplish their final aim, is some nasty little ”accident” or another, you know, the likes of which tend to happen from time to time, before they actually begin to uproot and cut down and burn and melt that which they have sown.
You know, when that glorious handmaiden of God, namely, nature, rejects a race, it must be clear and obvious to everyone that that race is simply not fit for living, that that race has no brothers, no sisters, no friends and no lovers. It must mean that nature herself has refused to endow it with those qualities that make one a brother, a sister, a lover and a neighbour. It must mean also that nature has denied such a race a spirit, a soul, a heart, and even a body, however corporeally the Jews may appear to us.
A body, a heart and a soul such as one has, is used to help the poor Palestinians and the poor Americans, and not to bring them death, and filth, and disease, and poverty, and ten-thousand other infernal Judaic calamities. And yet, there he is, the seemingly eternal Jew, despite nature’s forbidding injunction never to be, standing cock sure of himself, like a hyena, who alone of all the animals does not fear the deadly claws of the lion, but instead, and for all its inferior size and ugly looks, oftentimes not only stands its ground without so much as blinking an eyelid but even chases away him whom nature alone has equipped to do the chasing away of all the others, just as America frightens to death any and every nation in the world by merely coughing and yet, when it comes to the Devil’s headquarters that is Israel, it must first ask permission from the Judaic Effendi if it can clear its throat in its presence, lest the mighty Sultan interprets it as discomfort and is thus offended. Oh, how the mighty are falling, and how they are fallen!
You are not gone, not yet anyway, for just as nature has cursed you with the demonic Jews, so she has bestowed the rest of the world with the power of speech, and the power of writing, and yes, the power of the index finger, the most useful of all fingers, means wherewith we extend to one another our friendship and love and help.
It is said somewhere in the Bhagavad-Gita, that when the helpless Arjuna pleaded for God’s help, God, while wanting to help him, first asked the good soul to furnish him proof of the means and the ways which he had first attempted to help himself. When such proof could not be produced, because it did not exist, God patted him on the shoulder, wished him luck, and quickly turned his back on him and left him alone.
I believe this to be no more than an allegory, however, wherewith the Hindus in their deep wisdom attempt to show man the consequences of his own inaction.
In my painful experience with the Jews, I have always found that the worse thing one can do when confronted with a bully, is to sit back and do nothing, thus allowing him freely to continue with his torments.
Once you make it known to him however that you have physical force in mind, and that you are willing to use such force against him in your own defense, and that you are confident of succeeding, you will not only overcome the torments he seeks to inflict upon you but you will also see those same torments recoil upon his head.
What he seeks to do to you will be done to him.
In attempting to demoralize and destroy you, he will succeed only in demoralizing and destroying himself.
And should he ever again think of repeating his vile actions against you, you must whip up your own fury with the memory of the many torments he has inflicted on you from time immemorial, you and your entire race. The humiliations you have had to swallow at his hands, the depths of misery to which this Ancient Enemy has so often brought you and your children— never forget them! never, never!
Let no evil in the world ever frighten you in reckoning your deadly account with the Jew, your implacable Enemy who seeks your servitude and slow destruction. Payback time has come. Just do it!
From unhappy exile, soon to end,
Good evening,
Ellie K.
ELLIE KATSNELSON (pen name): Born in February of the year 1970, of a good family on my mother’s side, I come from an old German family of the branch of Kleists, who hail from Dresden, though the earliest ancestor of ours to whom I was able to trace our connection was in fact from Bonn. My mother was the daughter of Kristian Kleist, who was the owner of quite a few estates, which later passed first to my mother and then to me.
My mother’s bequest made a huge accession to my small fortune, and ever since I have supported my life entirely by this. By marriage my mother became immensely wealthy, judging by any standard, though her sobriety and goodness were never once impaired by her newly gained astonishing wealth.
In 1989, in a manner most callous, my mother was taken away from me in a mountain in Europe in what appeared to be an accident, but which was soon discovered to have been a carefully devised and executed plot to remove her from life. As I have often found my emotional life without her to be insupportable, and as my grief for her remains unabated, I have decided to steadily pursue those who were responsible for her death, and hope that one day will bear witness to the downfall of those who have made it their life’s duty to bring about and bear witness to the downfall of the world.
I live in Europe, chiefly in a small country house in France, where I have spent by far the most agreeable part of my life, though I often go over to London, where I first learned to speak English, and where I have few friends and some insubstantial real estate. I am not a globe trotting businesswoman, and I do not owe my wealth to my talents. With this last, I have not been equipped. I am, however, independent, determined, and not at all inclined to smile or view with favour those who have tried to make my life unbearable. I hope that my possible future appearance here [on this website] is met with a slightly warmer reception than it once was when I first appeared, for we should all really strive to make more friends than enemies in life.
Certain legal restrictions prohibit me from divulging at this stage more information about myself and my mother, much as I would like to, and so I hope this suffices.
Thank you.
Ellie K