Tag archives for New World Order - Page 2
VOCI – Satanic New World Order
Pastors martens and James discuss the satanic nature of the New World Order and its…
YCP – Australian Bushfires Caused by Globalism, not Global Warming
Pastor Eli discusses the fact that the Kosher press is deliberately blaming the recent fires…
Agenda 21 Is White Genocide an Global Dictatorship
Lisa Haven interviews Patrick Wood, who used to work with Antony Sutton. More…
Who Owns Planet Earth?
Complete List Of Rothschild Owned And Controlled Banks An increasingly number of people are…
Trump Exposes Hellary’s Globalist Agenda
"Hillary should be locked up." Donald Trump has joined the ranks of conspiracy truthers. JFK's…
Hillary Clinton, Warmonger, Whoremonger
Hillary Clinton is a Zionist Warmonger, who has said she will launch nuclear war against…
Baphomet Ritual to Inaugurate Gottardo Tunnel, Near CERN
The Satanic Culture of the European Union Mocks Scripture in this obviously satanic inauguration…