Tag archives for Hidden History - Page 5
The Cain Illuminati Serpent Seed
Zen Garcia explains Gen. 4:1, that Cain's father was not Adam. The Cain-Satanic…
Jewish DNA: The “Cohanim Gene” is just another Jewish Hoax
Listen to this Jewish Geneticist use words like "we believe," "we think", "it is probably…
John XXIII, Anti-Pope, Antichrist
(Angelo Roncalli posing with Propaganda Due, Italian Freemasons and Mafia, while Cardinal of Venice.) Angelo…
The Dick Act Forbids Curtailment of the Second Amendment
The Government shall not interfere with your right to keep and bear arms. A very…
Noahide Laws, Jews Brag: “God Created the Goyim to Serve the Jews.”
Christians beware! You should know who your slavemasters are. Run, don't walk, away from the…
The Two Seedlines of Genesis 3:15 and 4:1 Explained
Zen Garcia explains, with the aid of the Targums, which are Aramaic commentaries by the…
Bertrand Comparet on the Adamic Race
The True History of the Adamic Race, by Bertrand Comparet (All of the races…