Tag archives for globalism
The Ukranian Pedophilia Mafia Exposed
This is just too sad. Organized religion looks the other way while the…
FEMA Is a Dirty Word
Lucifer's dna is in their veins. FEMA is part of the Great Replacement …
Documenting Globalist Dystopia
War Against the White Race (Cut and paste) The Truth about Oct 7, 2023…
Farmers Protesting Against Climate Communism
The melting pot is catching fire. Prostests against globalism by farmers spreading worldwide The protests…
RH – The Technocratic State, AI and DEW
Who Caused the Fire in Hawaii?: On the WEF, Global Plans for Smart City Governance…
What’s In Your Wallet and/or DNA?
Information is the new weapon!! You are being monitored constantly: The power to…