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The Gospel Never Told Pt 3
What is the Gospel Never Told? Join me and find out. You won't hear this…
Who are the 'Strangers' in Genesis thru Exodus? Let's find out! The identity and status…
The Gospel Never Told Pt 2
The Gospel starts in Genesis. Articles by Wesley Swift and Arnold Kennedy. What is the…
The identity and status of the “strangers” in the Bible CANNOT be interpreted by assumption or by…
BHP-210725-The Gospel Never Told Pt 1
Is the Gospel more than the fact that Jesus is the Son of God, who…
BHP-210329-God Blessed America Part 10
Here in part 10, the Conclusion, we will recap and see if America did that…
BHP-210227-God Blessed America Pt 9
Here in part 9 we will cover 2009-2020 and see if America did that which…