Archives for VOICE OF CHRISTIAN ISRAEL - Page 28
VOCI – Phony Conversions to Christianity by Non-Whites
Pastors Martens and James discuss the fact that non-Whites are unable to practice the "White…
VOCI – Tetragrammaton, Pt3
Pastors James and Martens conclude their series on the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) on its meaning, pronunciation…
VOCI – Tetragrammaton, Part 2
Discussion around the rejection of the term "Jehovah," as promoted by the Jehovah's Witnesses, showing…
VOCI – Tetragrammaton, Meaning and Pronunciation of…
Pastors James and Martens Discuss the historical controversy over the Name of God, YHWH -…
VOCI – Boers Transition From Dutch to British Occupation
Pastors James and Martens discuss how the Boer people have been oppressed by successive waves…
VOCI – The “Fulness of the Gentiles” Heresy Explained
Pastors Martens and James explain how to correctly understand Romans 11:25 in the context of…