Archives for RESTORATION HOUR - Page 28
RH – The Trump Impeachment Fiasco and the Jews Who Are Behind It
The attempt to impeach Donald Trump is being run by Jews in America and Ukraine. …
RH – The REAL CAUSE of California’s Fires
Pastor James explains that government corruption and malfeasance along with state-created corporate monopolies are breeding…
RH – Indo-Aryan Origins of the Shemitic Race
Pastor Eli traces the origins of the Adamites and Shemites from pre-Flood traditions.
RH – Women and children Rule Over US, Plus the Biden Mafia Exposed
Eli starts the show off with an analysis of Isaiah and the prophecy that women…
RH: The Age of Doublespeak
Pastor Eli James reads an article from 1987 about how doublespeak has been creeping into…
Restoration Hour: Kosher Pharmageddon
Pastor Eli James and Doc Waterman discuss the current epidemic of opioid deaths caused by…
Jewslam, Part One
How the Jews and Muslims have been working together against White Christendom for the last…