Archives for Tech - Page 18
CO2 Is Good. Climate Change Hysteria Is Bad.
Climate scientist throws CO2 hysteria under the bus. CO2 is absolutely necessary for the…
Big Pharma Mafia: Toxic Sludge in the Atmosphere
The chemical apocalypse is part of the global depopulation program of Agenda 21 Dr.…
Genesis 1 and the Impossibility of Positive Mutations: Intelligent Design Versus Evolutionism
Pastor Eli explains why Genesis 1:11 is Yahweh's instructions for the invariable reproduction of…
Evolutionism Versus Intelligent Design
Astronomer Fred Hoyle debunks Darwinism Dr. Stephen Meyer explains why evolutionism is unscientific. The…
Are You A Dissenter ?
If you are not yet a dissenter then you may soon want to become one…
5G Death Ray Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You!
Is 5G good for you? Forget about global cooling, 5G is a MUCH BIGGER threat…
Weaponized Wi-Fi and Cell Towers
Scary stuff: Cooking us softly with their song! Tell everybody you…