Archives for Race & Culture - Page 39
Western Civilization Owes Its Existence to Christianity
Atheist admits that Christianity is the driving force of Western civilization. Part 2 of this…
Paris Is Burning…AGAIN!
Nationalism and anti-globalism assert themselves in the Yellow Vest movement The Yellow Vest movement is…
What Liberalism Has Done to America’s Schools
Liberalism/political correctness is a disaster: LGBT propaganda has replaced the 3 R's: Sex Ed is…
Pussy Riot also Funded by Jews…and the CIA (but We Repeat Ourselves)
Members of the all-girl punk band Pussy Riot: The clenched fist tells you all you…
Femen and the Jews
Anna Hutsol, Jewish founder of degenerate protest group: Femen. Latest news about Femen: Femen co-founder…
La Raza Declare Race War Against White America
Califexit is white people voting with their feet. We have been warning you, Whitey: Liberals…
White and Black Flash Mobs Compared
GIMME DAT CHICKIN!!! White flash mob in action For comparison, a black flash mob…