Archives for Race & Culture - Page 36
Yahweh is the God of Israel, not of the Canaanites
The Bible is true and every joo a liar. Pastors Steve and Eli refute the…
Stop White Genocide
Stop White Genocide committed by the Jews. White people are fighting back. Thank you very…
Rassenkrieg Gegen Uns (The Race War Against Us)
Jewish Warmonger Clustervision Reloaded is a German language website that teaches about the Race…
French Jews Demand More Oppression Against the French People
Yellow Vests (Gilets jaunes) in France Video showing how Macron's (Jewish Banker and President of…
Lynchgate: AOC, Riley Roberts, Kamala Harris and Jussie Smollett
Aunt and Nephew! WHEW!!!!! The Corruption of the Democommunist Party is blowing up in their…
Communists Granted Heckler’s Veto to Silence Patriots
Antifa thugs are communists, just so you know. Our Joo-controlled government is doing everything it…
Dear Liberal: You ARE What You HATE
Clara Frasier: Femmunist (synthesizer of communism and feminism) Any college course that has the word…