Archives for LATEST - Page 8
The Cholesterol Hoax Exposed
More on cholesterol: Dr. Sten Ekberg. Youtube address is : (copy and…
Scythian Origin of the Hungarians
The Hungarians are part of the great Saxon/Scythian tribes, although they most likely intermarried with…
Principles of Sustainable Dictatorship
We are not theorists. We are realists. Agenda 21 Corporate Organ Harvesting "INCOMPREHENSIBLE…
Narcostate Elects First Jewish Female President
In their relentless globalist power grabs, the jooz have succeeded in installing yet another…
VOCI – How the Jews Changed Catholic Thinking, Part 1
How the Jews Changed Catholic Thinking From “Look” Magazine, Volume 30 No. 2 by Joseph…
Did Yahshua Have Two Human Fathers?
Who was His father? In addition to the Holy Spirit, Yahshua did have an…
Anglo-Israel Truth
Yahshua was NOT a Jew. He was a Judahite. More: More and more of this…