Archives for LATEST - Page 36
Who Is Israel? Part 2, Plus the Origin of the Letter J
JB Wells interviews Pastor Eli James. We discussed the question: Are the Jews Shemites?…
Pastor Eli James on Caravan to Midnight, July 14, 2022, Plus Bonus Video
Esau: red and hairy "Who Is Israel?" Part 1 Sorry about the echo,…
Gates Jab Unusual Blood Clots Analyzed
Dr. Jane Ruby interviews embalmer who analyzed these blood clots. FF to the 13…
5G is a Weapons System
Please listen to the second hour of this report on the dangerous weapon called…
More on Tavistock and Butchering Children
More about Tavistock and gender altering drugs. Operation Mind Control: Stay tuned…
Tavistock Institute Promotes Transgenderism
The Tavistock Institute in London is one of the most evil corporations in the…