Archives for LATEST - Page 232
Rabbinical Pedophilia Exposed
No doubt, you have heard about child molestation and homosexuality in the Catholic Church, but…
Evolution is BUNK!!
Scientist does an about-face on evolution!! No scientist has EVER performed an experiment that…
Science Disproves Atheism and Evolutionism
Atheists and evolutionists beware: your world view is about to be science! FLASH! Quantum…
Bobby Fischer On The Jews
#038;feature=player_detailpage Bobby Fischer On The Jews
Stalin’s Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR
“When the Jews achieved power in Russia, it was as a hostile elite with a…
Ron Wyatt Proves the Location of the Red Sea Crossing
Ladies and Gents: The Bible is true and the academics are clueless: this video…
Deep in the Heart of Cotton
Republican hopeful recommends bombing Iran, says it would only take a few days Easter Sunday's…