Archives for LATEST - Page 117
Hope and Change in Venezuela
America's educational system has become a cheerleader for socialism. Prepare for the worst. Socialism…
Pussy Riot also Funded by Jews…and the CIA (but We Repeat Ourselves)
Members of the all-girl punk band Pussy Riot: The clenched fist tells you all you…
Femen and the Jews
Anna Hutsol, Jewish founder of degenerate protest group: Femen. Latest news about Femen: Femen co-founder…
Juden Tube We Hate Your Freedom
Ladies and Gentlemen, Jew Tube has closed down my channel. I had spent literally thousands…
The Frankfurt School: Jewish Perversion, Subversion and Genocide of the White Race
The Jews of the Frankfurt School The Frankfurt School of Jewish "sociologists" of communism and…
La Raza Declare Race War Against White America
Califexit is white people voting with their feet. We have been warning you, Whitey: Liberals…
Migration Chronicles Being Translated into French (Introduction)
One of our members in France is translating the Migration Chronicles into French. Here…