Author Archives: Eli James - Page 313
Great Whore of Germany
Angela Merkel's planned destruction of Germany. Wachet auf, Deutschland!!
Seduction by Electronic Media
Is it real or is it fake? The antichrist joo is creating a virtual reality…
Absolute Failure of Democratic Party Policies
Why are cities that have Democratic leadership always in a perpetual state of decline?…
The Cain Illuminati Serpent Seed
Zen Garcia explains Gen. 4:1, that Cain's father was not Adam. The Cain-Satanic…
The Best Lecture Ever About the Khazars and the Illuminati
Jack Otto exposes the non-Israelite Origins of the Khazar People and Jewish Secret Societies Although…
Jewish DNA: The “Cohanim Gene” is just another Jewish Hoax
Listen to this Jewish Geneticist use words like "we believe," "we think", "it is probably…
Ultra Liberals and Globalist Media Hate Donald Trump
Proof that mainstream media lies all the time and covers up the obvious. You also…