Author Archives: Eli James - Page 312
Celtic Versus Roman Christianity
The first above-ground Christian church was built at Glastonbury in 37 AD by Joseph of…
Whites In France Under Assault
The Battle of Armageddon has begun, but only those in Christian Identity know it. WE…
Rigged Voting Machines Win Elections
You thought that elections in America are honest? "It's not the vote that counts. It's…
The Sovietization of Venezuela
The Legacy of Hugo Chavez and communism. The face of communism in South America. Only…
Gog And Magog Revealed
Gog and Magog Revealed: Part 1 of a 10-part Series "Who Is Gog? by Pastor…
No Freedom of Speech in France
Daryl Bradford Smith () taken down. All Dissent will be criminalized, by Joo-Know-Who.
Jewish Genocide of White, Christian Russia
The crimes of the Jewish Bolsheviks are never reported by the Jew-controlled dictatorship. Time to…