Author Archives: Eli James - Page 309
How the Babylonian Banking System Destroyed the Roman Empire
Some real wisdom about how the Babylonian banking system works behind the scenes to…
Myron Fagan Exposes Hollywood’s Jew Communists
Listen and weep: Dear White people: the Jews have been brainwashing you and…
London Muslims Auctioning Off Women for Sex
And you thought Islam was a religion of peace? The proceeds go…
The Secret Relationship Between Jews and Muslims, Part 1
Throughout the history of Islamic Jihad against the West, the Jews have always been there…
The International Conspiracy to Impose Sharia Law on Whites
Wake up, White woman! Time to rethink the fable that all cultures are equal.…
Jewslamic Supremacism Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
You think Islam is a religion of peace? Wake Up, Adamite. You…
Baphomet Ritual to Inaugurate Gottardo Tunnel, Near CERN
The Satanic Culture of the European Union Mocks Scripture in this obviously satanic inauguration…