Author Archives: Eli James - Page 306
The Bogeyman of Terrorism: The Pretext for the Jew World Order
Global Terrorism Orchestrated by Joo Banksters and Super-Rich Magnates is being used as the…
Congressman Bill Dannemeyer on the Talmudic Noahide Laws
Know your enemy! The Hellish Noahide Laws of the Jews Bill Dannemeyer's…
Liberal Federal Judge Gets Instant Karma
Judge Dlott took de loot!! This is what she gets for legislating against "racial profiling."…
Gerald LK Smith on the Global Jewish Conspiracy
Gerald , Smith, friend of Henry Ford, lays out the evidence against the Jooz…
Jews Run the Porn Industry
Listen to how these porn "professionals" laugh about their "business." Still think the jooz are…
Barack Obama and George Soros Behind Black on White Terrorism
Professor Noel Ignatiev, Zionist Jew!!! Wake up, Whitey. They are killing you!! Wake up…
How the Jews Blend Fear Porn and Sex Porn Together to Degenerate Our People
From the 1960's, before the Jews totally pushed the porn industry on America, here is…