Author Archives: Eli James - Page 124
YCP – The Rockefeller-Soviet Axis and the United Nations Organization
text for this show: Heritage History | Rockefeller Internationalist by Emanuel Josephson ()
Amazing Polly Almost Gets It
...but I'm sure she is beginning to smell a jooish rat. Soros, Soviets, Science…
Anti-Globalist, Anti-Pharma Conference in Sweden in Malmo this Weekend
Tell everyone you know in the Nordic countries that the globalist vaxx/lockdown/dictatorship is going…
Another Ancient YHWH Discovery, Plus the Amarna Letters
More proof that the Bible is True and its critics are liars. 20161030 The…
RH – Russia Versus the Oligarchs, Past and Present, With Matt Johnson
Eli James and Matt Johnson hone in on the historical struggle between Christian Russia and…
GTR – Book of Joshua, Chapters 1 & 2
| Philadelphia Church of God ()