Author Archives: Brother Hebert - Page 38
WSBH-190818-Gentiles Pt 9
Continuing with Paul's Epistles and smashing the 'church' doctrine of identifying as a transGentile. What…
WSBH-190811-Gentiles Pt 8
Continuing in the gospel and smashing the 'church' doctrine of identifying as a transGentile. Why…
WSBH-190804-Gentiles Pt 7
Finishing up the OT Hebrew word 'goyim' in which the Latin word Gentiles is strategically…
WSBH-190728-Gentiles Pt 6
Scripture does not teach that you are a Gentile, the 'churches' do. And the 'churches'…
BHP-200222-The Priesthood Pt 7
The conclusion of our study and presentation on the Patriarchal Ministry of Adam and his…
WSBH-190721-Gentiles Pt 5
Scripture does not teach that you are a Gentile, the 'churches' do. And the 'churches'…
The Priesthood Pt 6
This study covers the Patriarchal Ministry of Adam and his sons after him. The Levitical…