The Jewish mafia is way bigger than you think.  The Kosher press hides the truth.

The James Files Confession

Oswald, Ruby, Etc.

The usual suspects:

Jack Ruby: Jewish mafioso

Earl Warren: Jewish Supreme Court Justice and Rabbi, head of the Warren Commission, leader of the cover-up

Warren Studies Talmudic Law Here; WARREN STUDYING TALMUD LAW HERE – The New York Times

Lyndon B.  Johnson: Half-Jew and Zionist, co-conspirator.  Escalated America’s presence in Vietnam.

LBJ: An Unheralded Holocaust Hero | The Jewish Press – | Saul Jay Singer | 9 Adar 5783 – Wednesday, March 1, 2023 |

Kennedy began to pull US troops out of Vietnam:

JFK Had Ordered Full Withdrawal from Vietnam: Solid Evidence – WhoWhatWhy

David Ben-Gurion:  According to many authors, Ben-Gurion wanted Kennedy dead because Kennedy refused to turn American nuclear secrets over to ItsaLie.

The Battle of the Letters, 1963: John F. Kennedy, David Ben-Gurion, Levi Eshkol, and the U.S. Inspections of Dimona | National Security Archive

Allen Dulles: Head of the CIA during the Bay of Pigs fiasco.  Kennedy fired him shortly thereafter.

John Foster Dulles:  Secretary of State under Eisenhower.  John and Allen Dulles orchestrated America’s involvement in the Vietnam War.

Lee Harvey Oswald: patsy

The Jewish mafia:  Many Jews, including B’nai B’rith, were involved in the Kennedy assassination.

Israel is behind serial assassinations of Kennedy brothers: Laurent Guyenot – Tehran Times

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Your Reporter, Pastor Eli James.

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“You shall know the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.”  John 8:32.