….because of Jewish tampering with Bible translations.

While Jewish propaganda constantly asserts that “anti-Semitism” is hatred of Jews “just because they are Jews,” we assert that anti-Judaism is a rational response to what Jews do.   “You are what you do” and not what you pretend to be.

Pastor Eli and Professor Truth expose the Masoretic Rabbis and their clever manipulation of words in  order to deceive the world of biblical translation.


Eli and Dustin Nemos discuss the obvious evils of Judaism

https://ftjmedia.com/channel/Elijames/video/.zjUkAuja5ds8iqMSCn8VGg/bloodlines-on-20-aug-24-12-00-31   (Copy and paste)

(Audio problems at the beginning improve after a few minutes.  Odd black blob covering my face at the 30 minute mark!  More Jewish tampering, no doubt!)

(Please consider donating a few shekels to EFR to combat the Jewish trillionaires:  ANP POB 3192 Harrison AR 72601)