ACH (1344) Dr. Peter Hammond - The Real Story Of Hypocrisy In The Name Of Love And Tolerance

In today’s show originally broadcast on September 17 2020, Andy interviews Dr. Peter Hammond, for a show entitled, “The Real Story Of Hypocrisy In The Name Of Love And Tolerance.”

We discussed: the threats of violence against a UK based Christian Pastor, from elements within the LGBT Community; the Communist and terrorist nature of the Antifa movement; how nobody in history condemned hypocrisy more than Jesus Christ; how the greatest Colonial Power in the 20th Century claimed to be Anti-Colonial; how hypocrisy is an attempt to project a counterfeit reality; the Book Of Matthew Chapter 23; how South African President F. W. de Klerk was both paid and given the Nobel Peace Prize for releasing Nelson Mandela; the modern secular humanism of the Marxists that is based upon Paganism; how President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on his twelfth day in office; and many other topics.

Click Here For The Article “’LETS BURN A CHURCH!’ When LGBT Activists Threaten To Attack, UK Police Try To Silence Pastor Instead” That We Discussed During The Show

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