‘No other south American country has succeeded so successfully to integrate [sic] so many different races of people: whites, blacks, Asians, American Indians, and the indigenous population which have together formed today’s “Brazilian” people with their warm, sincere, and creative characteristics. This population of mixed cultures adore their country, support their national football team and passionately share their lives with their co-nationals, without giving importance to the colour of the skin.’

This panegyric to Brazil is not untypical. There’s always a carnival featuring beautiful scantily-clad racial hybrids happily cavorting in the streets. Always presented as a colourful, vibrant, post-racial success story. The reality could hardly be more different because Brazil is a poster child for poverty, violence, crime and corruption – corruption which permeates every aspect of life and reaches from the lowest favela dweller to the Presidential Palace. Now Ireland has its faults and our society is far more enriched (and hence atomised) than it used to be. But when our police went on strike some time ago nobody really noticed. Life went on the same way with no uptick in crime.

Compare this to Brazil where a police strike resulted in apocalyptic scenes of criminality. “Bloodthirsty mob takes over city’s streets leaving trail of death and rape after police go on strike” blared the Mirror’s headline. The report went on: Dead bodies are being left in pools of blood in the streets as gangs wielding guns and machetes launch a relentless rampage. lawless gangs wielding guns and machetes appear to be running riot – while dead bodies line the streets. “There are people running around with guns in pretty populated areas, dozens of people stealing from malls, even dead bodies on streets.

Such a society is totally screwed up. Screwed up beyond redemption. But they get by with a kind of pigmentocracy which sees a tiny elite of wealthy Whites living charmed lives in gated communities while at the bottom, scrabbling to survive, swarms a gigantic hostile dark-hued helotry. Ordinary Whites are somewhere in between, unmoored, destined to a demi-monde existence like South Africa’s Whites farmers.

Here’s the point, my friends. If current trends persist it’s what the United States and many other Western countries will look like in 2050.

Source:: Irish Savant

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