efr-linkAs the plot thickens on the VAXXED controversy, actor/director Robert De Nero appeared on NBC’s Today Show to address the decision to drop the groundbreaking documentary from his Tribeca Film festival this past month. Mr. De Nero has an eighteen year old son with autism. The rates of autism are rising exponentially. In 1955 the rate was 1:50,000. Today the rate is an astounding 1:45. What’s more, the likelihood of males getting autism is four times higher than females. This is part of an organized and planned effort to weaken the male species, subjugating his naturally supreme role to that of his biologically weaker-by-design female counterpart. Women possess a womb – thus making them women. They possess naturally instinctive traits that make them uniquely suited for childbearing and rearing. The elite academics who answer to their masters have been reverse engineering our species for the past eight decades. We are now seeing the fruits of their diabolical plan, including males wanting to be females, females wanting to be male, males growing breasts and losing the potency earlier in life.


Watch as Mr. De Nero questions the status quo, offers his opinions on the efficacy of vaccinations, and comments on other compelling films critical of vaccines. He asks for answers from the pharmaceutical companies, who make these potentially deadly potions. Dropping VAXXED from the Tribeca venue has brought a firestorm of controversy to this deadly and pressing issue. Parents of autistic children will see them die between 39-54 years of age, while being largely dysfunctional throughout their lifetime. Go to drstevenamato.com for a more thorough discussion on this topic. Visit anti-agingremedies.com for answers.
