Tribute To The Late Great Activist And Commentator Anthony Lawson – R.I.P.

A Tribute to the Late Great Activist and Commentator Anthony Lawson – R.I.P.

Anthony Lawson1I was very saddened this past weekend to learn that the venerable activist / commentator Anthony Lawson had passed away after a struggle with cancer on January 8th, 2015, as reported in a new video posted on Jan. 31st by his son Ashton.  British born, Anthony was an audio/video “media expert” who had worked for many years in the advertising industry. Moreover, he was a critical thinker who did his own research, paid great attention to detail, was a great orator, and he made many, many powerful independent political videos. I cannot claim to have known Anthony well, but we did exchange a few e-mails in 2012-2013.

It was Anthony Lawson who initiated contact with me in 2012 to commend me on my film “Hitler’s War? – What the Historians Neglect to Mention”.  He said that it had really had an impact on him in his own understanding of the “Big Picture” of World War II and he thank ed me for it.  In later e-mail correspondence, he told me that he also enjoyed “Hitler’s Shadow – In the Service of the Fuehrer” and found it quite eye-opening, but he did reserve some criticism of my technical skills with the rendering of the film.  I was not offended, as he was a master in that craft, and myself, an amateur doing my best with what I had. Indeed, I was very delighted and humbled that he had at all taken notice of my own efforts, because I was well aware of him and his own great work, in particular the following video for which I, a self-respecting German, was most grateful.  The video was banned almost right away and it had to be re-uploaded numerous times to bypass the YouTube censors. It is still very relevant today, and undoubtedly, will be for a long time to come:

On June 6th, 2012 Anthony Lawson did an private interview with Deanna Spingola which I quite enjoyed and still fondly recall. Shortly into the interview,with respect to Israel’s constant fear mongering about Iran’s alleged nuclear bomb plans, and their demands to the world community for something to be done about it, Anthony said:

“This is ridiculous! Because we all know that Israel has up to 400 nuclear weapons. We’ve got the Germans [BRD govt] now admitting that they are putting submarines together for them, to be able to launch these weapons, and, nothing, no questions are ever asked of Israel, you know, ‘when will YOU use the bomb?’ that you you’ve got. It’s always ‘Iran, why won’t you stop building a bomb?’ Which they won’t, and it’s absurd!

The whole situation is so biased and ridiculous, that it needed something said about it, which I have now done. It probably won’t do much good, but you know, there comes a time when you have that feeling about something, and you have just got to do something about it.

Because I’ve got children and I’ve got grandchildren. And I don’t want to pass at the end of my life thinking ‘I could have done more’. Well, of course, I could do more, but I would hate to be at that point and have to think, ‘I didn’t do anything’ which is terrible!”

Listen here:


God Bless you Sir. You had a moral compass, and you did what you could, while you could, with all that you had, and you said what you believed needed to be said fearlessly, and in no uncertain terms. With the above quoted statement, I knew that we were kindred spirits in this world. I pray that many more Anthony Lawsons will step up to follow your fine example. We need them now more than ever!

Anthony LawsonWhile you were not a “religious” man, I trust that you are now in a better place, and deservedly so, for your courage, integrity, and dedication to the truth. We are in your debt, and it is now up to us who remain, to take up that torch and to speak the truth as best we know it, following in your fine example.

Rest in Peace Anthony Lawson!