Tag archives for zionism - Page 8
Elizabeth Dilling Exposes the Jews Behind Communism
First, a related audio by Revilo P. Oliver, exposing the saboteurs in America: the Jewish…
DNA Studies Prove that Caucasians Were the First Americans
European Clovis Culture is the oldest in North America With all due respect to "Native…
George Soros, the Jewish “Messiah,” Mastermind of White Genocide
George Soros admits to having a "messiah complex" Beware!!! More on George Soros, the…
Dr. Wesley Swift on the global Jewish conspiracy against the White Race
Dr. Wesley Swift was one of the most dynamic Identity preachers ever. He cuts…
Jewish Genocide of the White Race Revisited
This is a very important subject, as the White Race has been the primary victim…
Europe Is Waking Up
Kalergi, the Rothschild agent who started multiculturalism in Europe English Youth Rise Against the Parasites…
The Bogeyman of Terrorism: The Pretext for the Jew World Order
Global Terrorism Orchestrated by Joo Banksters and Super-Rich Magnates is being used as the…