Tag archives for zionism - Page 19
Why the Rothschild Illuminati Assassinated JFK
The same Illuminati conspiracy that assassinated Lincoln also assassinated Kennedy. JFK was assassinated by the…
Banksters Cause ALL Wars
You have been told that the primary cause of war is "nationalism." That is just…
Rothschild, King of the Jews: Private Bankers and War-Mongers Since 1815
The Rothschilds control the world through usury. You will not get this information from the…
IsraHELL Discriminates Against Blacks: Riots Ensue
WAKE UP, WHITE MAN! The Israeli State is a racist state. The Jews are supremacists;…
The Jade Helm Symbol of Sabotage
The Dutch clog in the Jade Helm symbol represents Jewish domination of society. Time to…
National Guard Trains to Fight Patriots
EFR is here to tell you what the Jew World Order has in store for…
Jewish Supremacists Arrest and Torture Children
Without a doubt, the Jewish State is the world's greatest terrorist entity, with mainstream Jewish…