Tag archives for white genocide - Page 13
NSA Spying for a Staged Global War
Obamanation and NSA planning to use China to invade America: There's no business…
Angela Merkel, Ziocommunist
The Zionist/Communist Jew World Order at the podium. Elie the Weasel, holohoax propagandist, being admired…
The Real Force Behind the Syrian Refugee Crisis
It's very simple folks! Who is bombing Syria? It is the international coalition of Zionist…
Jewish Hypocrisy and White Genocide
The jooz are behind White Genocide; and they are hypocrites too! "White males…
What Pisses Me Off About White Guilt
Stefan Molyneux has been producing freedomain radio for the last 10 years. This 24 minute…
The Jewish/Islamic Race War Against the White Race
If you are White,the Jewish bogeyman is going to use proxy armies to invade…
Racist Blood, Part 1
The medical establishment has been lying to you about "we all bleed red blood." Well,…