Tag archives for white genocide - Page 10
Corruption in the West Traced Back to the Clinton Crime Syndicate
From Clinton Foundation took massive payoffs, promised Hammond Ranch and other publicly owned lands to…
Shawna Cox Testimony of the Tragic Tyrannical Assault Against the Oregon Patriots
Welcome to the SOVIET STATES OF AMERICA and the KGB (FBI) assault on innocent citizens.…
Noahide Laws, Jews Brag: “God Created the Goyim to Serve the Jews.”
Christians beware! You should know who your slavemasters are. Run, don't walk, away from the…
The Two Seedlines of Genesis 3:15 and 4:1 Explained
Zen Garcia explains, with the aid of the Targums, which are Aramaic commentaries by the…
Bureau of Legal Machinations Deliberately Sets Fires to Destroy Ranchers
Your tax dollars at work. BLM destroys property and cattle, endangering human lives, while…
FBI Releases Video Showing Lavoy Finicum Shot Dead With His Hands Up
Finicum shot dead at the 5:47 mark. The shooter must be arrested and…
50 Years of Johnson’s Great Society, and What Has the Black Community Got to Show for it?
Pastor Manning tells it like it is. "The more you give them, the worse they…