Tag archives for race war - Page 16
George Galloway Exposes the Jews Behind ANC
The Jews are destroying all White countries by supporting Zionism, communism and race-mixing. George Galloway,…
The Jewish Butchers of Communist Russia
You should know that communism has always been a Jewish organization, dedicated to the…
World Philosopher on the Gatekeepers (Diversionary Presstitutes)
The world is catching on to the fact that all the evil in the…
The New World Order Stormtroopers Are Coming
Ted Nugent: Stormtroopers Coming Lyrics: In the early morning hours there's a din in…
Jewish Racism Rules the Media
Jeff Rense Interviews CJ Bjerkness (Jeff Rense is wrong that the Jewish religion is not…
Blacks Turn Mother’s Day into Hell
Black culture is out of violence is being enabled by the libtards, jooz, communists, and…
How the Talmudic Banksters Rule by Destruction
Note that the villains pictured in this video, such as House and Warburg, are…